The Sower is Concordia University, Nebraska’s independent student newspaper and is the online edition. The Sower covers campus news for the Concordia community and serves as a forum of free expression. The first issue of The Sower was published in 1964.
The Sower is produced by a staff of more than 20 students who do all the writing, editing, layout, photography and advertising sales and design for the paper.
The Sower aspires to meet the highest professional standards. Staff members pledge to adhere to the Society for Professional Journalists Code of Ethics, which requires them to strive for accurate reporting, to give thorough coverage to issues of importance to its 1,300 readers and to provide a forum in which diverse viewpoints among students, faculty and administration can be heard. As a forum for free expression, the newspaper is not subject to prior review or restraint by faculty or administration.
The Sower welcomes letters to the editor and other feedback from readers. You may contact the editor via email at
The Sower is a periodical providing news and a forum for free expression to the students of Concordia University, Nebraska. All editors and staff members are students at Concordia University. Opinions expressed in The Sower are not necessarily those of the entire Sower staff, the Concordia student body, faculty or administration or the governing bodies of the University. The University does not engage in prior review or restraint of materials printed in The Sower. Readers may reach The Sower by e-mail at
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Ellen Beck
Chief Copy Editor
Hope Nelson
Sports Editor
Madeline Peters