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Student Senate

Senior Aaron Fosse giving his State of the Campus address to the Senate body.  Photo...

Joshua Burmeister (left) and Aarin Dean (right) celebrating that Burmeister was voted to be...

Joshua Burmeister (left) and Aarin Dean (right) shake hands in support of each other's...

Photo credit: Kayla Korb By Nora Betts   Student Senate President Aaron Fosse said on Tuesday that...

The students at student senate listening to the new business that is being presented...

Photo credit: Kayla Korb By Nora Betts   The Student Senate on Tuesday voted to give official...

Students at the Senate meeting listen to President Aaron Fosse report about the cross for...
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Photo description: Josh Burmeister and fellow students look at the potential cross design for...
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Photo description:  Students visit one of the booths during the fall semester Student Activities...
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Photo description: Art club's rough concept sketch of the mural to go up on...
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Photo description: A Senate meeting is well attended as students listen to the new...
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Photo description: Between 80 and 100 students attended a Praise worship night at the...