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Home Opinion Just Pitschin’ Ideas: How do I know I’m Doing the Right Thing...

Dear Madison,

How do I know I’m doing the right thing in college? How do I know I’m choosing the right major?

My first year of college, I introduced myself as “Madison, majoring in Undecided.” There were so many things that I wanted to do, but I couldn’t narrow down the perfect career. I went my entire first year undecided. And that worked out for me.

Picking a major and a career is tough. Up until this point, every class you’ve taken has been picked out for you. Now, you have to choose your path. You get to choose what you want; but it’s a bit scarier because it affects your future. No pressure, right?

Wrong. This is going to be one of those threshold decisions, read-BIG DEAL. But don’t worry, everyone makes the decision. And you will learn that, in the end, it’s about making your decision work.

First of all, what do you like to do? What classes do you enjoy the most? If you choose a major and you actually hate all of the subject matter and core classes, you are in for a long 4-5 years. You could take a career assessment test, or you could just think about yourself for a minute.You know you better than anyone else. You know that goofy saying about loving your job so it’s not work? As much as it pains me to perpetuate cheesy life quotes, it’s true.

My personal favorite advice- get out and do it! You need to set up job shadows and internships. Get out and see what it is like. This will give you a pretty good idea of what that job is going to be like on the daily. If you think ‘Wow, it’s like looking into my future,’ then I bet you’re on the right track.

Another great thing you can do to pick a major is talk to people who are majoring in it. Ask them what they like about it, what they’re planning to do with their degree, etc. Once you pick their brains, you’ll be on your way to making up your own mind.

Hopefully this helps!



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