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Home News Sommerfeld Honored with Scholarship Endowment

The Rev. Russ Sommerfeld and his wife, Nino, were honored with a resolution of appreciation from the CUNE Board of Regents.


The Rev. Russ Sommerfeld began serving as CUNE interim president in January 2020, guiding the university through the COVID-19 pandemic and helping plan the path forward. 

With the arrival of Dr. Bernard Bull as Concordia’s new president this month, Sommerfeld, an assistant professor of Theology, steps down from being interm president and has been named assistant to the president for church engagement. 

Faculty and friends gathered in August to thank Sommerfeld, and his wife, Nino, for their service over the past 18 months following the resignation of Dr. Brian Friedrich, who became president at Concordia-St. Paul. 

The Board of Regents passed a resolution thanking the Sommerfelds for their service and establishing the Russell & Donna “Nino” Sommerfeld Church Work Scholarship Endowment. 

The endowment already has more than $60,000, and additional donations are being accepted. 

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