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Home News Student Senate Discusses Club Funding

Club representatives listen to Alex Vieselmeyer, vice president of CUNE’s Student Senate, during a Senate meeting

Photo credit to Kayla Korb

Nora Betts
Sower Staff


The Student Senate reminded members on Tuesday that club budget forms must be filled out by Mar. 3 for clubs to receive official recognition on campus and be eligible for Senate funding.

An Adobe Sign document has been emailed to Senate representatives and club advisers to be completed and signed before the due date next Friday. Clubs not requesting Senate funding still must complete the budget form to be recognized as an official Concordia club, said Treasurer Alec Johnston.

Psychology Club and Ministry Ties will give presentations at next week’s meeting.

“Hopefully, both of these organizations will be presenting next week to all of you and then we will vote as a Senate whether or not we want to officially sponsor them as a Student Senate club,” said President Julia Witt. “When they get that official sponsorship, that means they will be able to apply for a budget and Student Senate funding.”

The Senate’s Public Relations Committee continues to review responses to a survey sent to students about club involvement and student interests. The survey, which was emailed out on Feb. 10, asked students about campus clubs and activities they are interested in and why club attendance is declining.

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