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Home News Dr. Mark Christian Presents Second Session on Understanding Islam

by Chris Wilson


Dr. Mark Christian continued his series on understanding Islam on Feb. 16, when he finished telling the story of his life and began speaking about Muhammad.

When Christian converted to Christianity in Egypt, he hoped to find a church, get a Bible and learn how to practice Christianity, but this was dangerous in Egypt’s primarily Muslim culture

Christian said that when he first visited a church in America, he was constantly prepared to make an escape if something went wrong, as if he were robbing a bank.

“This all seems very silly now, but at the time this was the reality for me,” Christian said. “To understand the mindset of Muslims today cannot be done without understanding Muhammad.”

He spoke about Muhammad’s upbringing and the beginning of the Islamic faith in the early medieval Christian world. He explained how Muhammad and his story affect the world today by shaping the political atmosphere in the Middle East and the global Muslim community.

Christian also explained the differences and relationship between the Bible and the Quran.

“Our culture is developing its take on Islam,” Dr. Dirk Reek said. “And I think we need to learn about is cold, hard history, and that is what this guy does.”

Students, professors and residents of Seward and nearby towns attended Christian’s sessions.

“Islam is impacting the lives of others, and I want to learn more about it,” junior Emma Dannehl said. “I hope to understand Muslims’ beliefs and know better what it is they need to see that there is someone way greater to believe in.”

Christian will complete the story of Muhammad and speak more about how Muhammad’s legacy shaped the modern Middle East next week at 7 p.m. on Feb. 23 in Weller auditorium.

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