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Home Sports Student Athlete Brings Fellowship of Christian Athletes to CUNE

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by Parker Hasenkamp


Freshman hurdler Miranda Unverferth founded the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club this semester to bring student athletes together in faith and fellowship.

“I had (an FCA) in my high school. I was pretty involved with that,” Unverferth said. “It helped me grow in my faith, so I wanted to be able to share that with other people.”

Unverferth founded the club with the help of Director of Student Development Rehema Kavugha, former CUNE assistant basketball coach Martin Kohlwey and Brett Wilson. Wilson is a Lincoln resident who has helped in Seward High School’s FCA program.

The athletic coaches on campus received an email from Unverferth through her track coach which explained what the club was about and when and where they would be meeting. Coaches then forwarded the email to their players.

The club started earlier this semester with 15-20 members and has grown since.

Unverferth hopes that the club can continue to grow and get more exposure in the future.

“I would love to be able to expand the group,” Unverferth said. “I would like to host different events, like have fun events take place in a couple different months out of the year. I would like to see if we could even talk the Seward High FCA and maybe doing something with them. This would allow high school students to get more connected with Concordia students.”

Even though the club is called Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Unverferth wants everyone to feel welcome and be able to come to the meetings. The group discusses both sports-related and real-life topics.

Members meet in the Thom Leadership Education Center auditorium on Sunday nights starting at 7 p.m. The club will start back up when the 2017-18 school year returns. For more information on FCA, visit the club’s Facebook page.

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