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bryan moore

Photo description: Adam Prince's character looks confused as other characters banter behind him.  Photo credit:...
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Photo description: Professor Bryan Moore directs a CUNE theater rehearsal Photo credit: Kayla Korb Bailey Mooney Sower...

Photo description: The cast and crew of "12 Angry Jurors" pose post-show Photo credit: Kayla...

Performers bow at the end of "Murder, May I?," one of the shows...

Joseph Greenmyer and Linnea Buchholz act the parts of Eric and Lucy. Photo courtesy of ...

by Victoria Cameron On Friday, Olde Glory Theatre hosted a successful opening night of...

By Hayden Rensner Concordia’s Theater Outreach Program is a new group...

Founders Hall serves both as storage and a workspace...

Photos by Sonja Brandt Junior Joseph Greenmyer and senior Eric...

By Victoria Cameron On Sept. 15 and 16, Associate Professor of Communication...

Photos by Kim Sleeper   by Taylor Roby A multitude of students all across campus have been...

by Benjamin Middendorf   Concordia students will have many opportunities to experience theater next semester, with...