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Home Arts & Culture CUNE Theatre to Perform “The Diary of Anne Frank”

Photos by Sonja Brandt

Junior Joseph Greenmyer and senior Eric James rehearse in preparation for the play the first two weekends of November.


By Alia Hurst

The countdown to the opening night of “The Diary of Anne Frank” has begun.  The show opens on Friday, Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. in Weller Auditorium. Students will present the true story of a young woman who tried to make the best of her circumstances in World War II Holland.

“It’s always great to be able to see stories that are often on the page be brought to life on the stage,” director and Associate Professor of Communication and Theatre Bryan Moore said.

Moore said he hopes that the audience, his students and even himself can watch this production and reflect on each of their own lives.

“There was a need to share a different kind of work with the audience. The public needs to learn about a person who had to learn to grow up quickly in a major stage in her life,” Moore said.

Incoming freshmen can find the middle of the semester hard to manage, but Moore claims that the they and the rest of the cast are doing well.

“Everyone is working incredibly hard,” Moore said. “It takes time to realize how important it is to commit to a character and to stay focused in the scene all at the same time, but the younger part of the cast is learning quickly.”

Before every performance comes practice. The practice schedule is Monday through Friday for two and a half hours each day. For certain days of the week, the cast members meet with a student who is coaching them on some of the Hebrew language that will be spoken in the show.

Earlier practices focused on characterization and relationships within the show, and now they are pushing through specific blocking and developing scenes to create energy.

Other show times for “The Diary of Anne Frank” include Nov. 3 at 7 p.m., Nov. 9 and 10 at 7 p.m., and Nov. 11 at 2 p.m. in Weller Auditorium.  


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