Concordia Culture Crossword: Faculty Edition answers
1 *Global Opportunities director
6 Slows down, like a computer graphic
10 What my brain runs out of after 10 p.m.
11 Bread from heaven that literally means “what is it?”
12 To snuggle down, or the name of a Swiss food conglomerate
13 Caesar’s famous last words: “__ __, Brute?”
14 To interlace yarn using needles
15 “For __’s sake!” (Keep it PG)
17 Seward High, for short
19 The opposite of “he”
20 The Star-Spangled Banner, our __ Anthem
23 The little word to use before a vowel
24 __-N-Out Burger, a California-based chain
25 The victim of humanity’s first murder in Genesis 4
26 *Journalism Prof. or Business Administration Dr., no relation
27 The Empire State, for short
28 The fold where two pieces of fabric meet
29 A professor’s assistant, for short
30 _. _. White, author of Charlotte’s Web
31 The letters on a yellow railroad crossing sign
32 A deep divide, like a canyon
34 Just pretend “VO” is a word lol. (I ran out of clues)
35 Visit a new world from the comfort of your home with a __ headset
36 Immune thrombocytopenic purpura, for short. (I ran out of clues again lol)
37 Final letters of a prof.’s email address, but not a student’s
39 *Director of Student Life
41 “__ the People of the United States…”
42 Song that accompanies a liturgy
43 “Where __ or more are gathered in my name…” (Matthew 18:20)
44 Things are getting serious: “Oh, it’s __.”
1 *History Dr., but I’m seeing double
2 The perfect Garden in Genesis 2
3 You should __ temptation but not arrest
4 *Campus pastor
5 How deaf/hard-of-hearing people communicate, for short
6 Fancy coffee order with foam art
7 “Up the __” like in cards or war
8 African antelope also called a wildebeest
9 South Africa, for short
11 *Theology Dr., but not Rev.
15 Biblical book with the most chapters
16 *Music department chair and a capella director
18 1 Peter 5:8 tells Christians to be “____ mind,” the opposite of irresponsible
20 Where Jonah refused to go before he was swallowed by a whale
21 Queen’s Somebody to Love: “Can __ find me somebody to love?”
22 Celine Dion’s My Heart Will Go On: “__, far, wherever you are…”
23 Biblical chapter about Pentecost
26 Scrooge’s catchphrase: “__ humbug!”
32 A group of workers, like the members of a Navy ship
33 The computer robots I fear will take my writing job
35 An animal doctor or former military member
38 Popular sentence filler that annoys public speaking teachers
40 Statement that begins a marriage: “I __”