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Home News Concordia Rededicates Weller for 122nd Birthday Celebration on Founder’s Day

Photo by Kim Sleeper


by Dana Simpkin


The sounds of the newly restored Kuhn organ filled Weller Chapel on Friday morning as Concordia celebrated its 122nd birthday.

Each year on Nov. 18, the university celebrates Founder’s Day, a commemoration of the opening of the school in 1894. This year the administration chose to combine the annual festivities with the re-dedication of Weller Chapel and the debut of the newly refurbished Elaine Mar Hughes Kuhn Organ.

The morning kicked off at 9:30 a.m. with a presentation on Concordia’s history given by Archivist Dr. Jerry Pfabe detailing various highlights of the university’s past. Pfabe put out a special emphasis on some of the chapel’s history, from its initial modest location circa 1899 inside Founders Hall to its 1907 location in Becker Hall (once located southeast of Jesse; demolished in 1999), to its current home in Weller Hall, where it has served as the primary worship space and auditorium since 1953.

Many aspects of the campus’ spiritual life have changed over time to adapt to the growth of the school, both in physical size and enrollment numbers. When enrollment spiked in the 1960s, there was not enough room to seat all of the students, so two 15-minute services were held back-to-back. The single 30 minute service format returned in 1972.

“What has not changed is the proclamation of the Gospel of God’s free grace for all,” Pfabe wrote in a short overview of the chapel’s history, printed on the back of the dedication program.

In previous years, Concordia has celebrated Founders Day with treats for the students provided by the Alumni Council. The day is also often used to recognize alumni and donors that make improvements such as the Weller renovations possible.

“I would say this year with the dedications, (Founder’s Day) is especially exciting given the importance that chapel has had in our history,” Katherine Steffen, senior director of advancement said. “The daily chapel experience is such a core part of every student’s experience here on campus.”

Following Pfabe’s presentation was a brief performance by the University A Cappella Choir and the Kuhn organ, which had been out of commission since 2004. The concert led into the chapel service beginning at 11 a.m. as usual.

Rev. Ryan Matthias led the service for the several hundred individuals in attendance: a mixture of students, faculty and returning alumni.

Immediately following the service, President Brian Friedrich gave the formal dedication of the organ and chapel.

“Everything at Concordia is centered on Jesus Christ our Savior, and one of the daily expressions of that focus is carried out in this space,” Friedrich said. “What a joy, then, this morning to officially dedicate to the glory of God Weller Chapel and the Elanie Mar Hughes organ by Kuhn.”

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