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Home Features Meet the New Resident Coordinators

by Britnee Fear

Residential campus communities require resident leaders– a job that resident coordinators (RCs) take on as student leaders to help oversee the Resident Assistants (RAs) and the student body, as well as seek to spread the light of Christ throughout campus. 

 RC’s primary roles involve helping to select, train, evaluate, supervise and consult with RAs, and work in close cooperation with the Student Life Office. Other primary roles they play are modeling Christian values, upholding and enforcing University policies, and facilitating weekly meetings with the RAs. Their secondary roles involve directly assisting the residents of the assigned residence hall complex with the function of the facility. 

At the end of this academic year, all four current RCs– Seniors Shelbi Hackbart, Zach Moll, and Juniors Caleb Staehr and Jackie Stephens– will be retiring from their positions due to graduation or student teaching. 

“I am going to miss the ministry aspect the most. It’s such a joy to get to lead godly young men, both in their faith lives and in their roles as RAs,” Staehr said. “And though I’m by no means a perfect person or RC, I very much hope that I have made a positive, lasting impact on each of my guys.” 

The RC applicants for the new positions went through the application process, letter of recommendations, interviews and countless prayers before being selected. The new RCs are Junior Gavin DeHaai and Sophomores Chris Warneke, Makayla Kosberg, and Tia Pawlowski. 

Junior, Gavin DeHaai
Photo by Morgan German

Gavin DeHaai, a Business Administration major, is the current RA of Jonathan 1st Floor and is originally from Sioux Falls, S.D. He is involved in track, is co-chair of the Republican Club, and enjoys hunting, golfing, hanging out with friends, and drinking coffee. DeHaai was in Washington D.C. when he got the call that he received the RC position. 

“I was very excited and baffled because I knew that there were other great candidates – it was just a very humbling experience,” DeHaai said

RCs and RAs strive to make an impact on the campus community through ministry, and DeHaai is excited to be a part of that ministry

“What fuels my drive for ministry is the lasting impact of salvation,” DeHaai said. “We should be able to reach out every day and plant the seed of the Holy Spirit inside someone, God will take care of the rest.” 

Through DeHaai’s time as RC, he hopes to share the message of living every day like it’s the last.  

“If there’s something you’re passionate about, chase it. Share the world of Jesus. Life is so short, and we should take advantage of every single day,” DeHaai said.

Sophomore, Chris Warneke
photo by Morgan German

 Chris Warneke, a Communication and Pre-Seminary major from Hastings, Neb., is currently the RA of Ruth B 2nd. He is involved in Symphonic Band and Track and enjoys reading and hanging out with friends. His favorite thing to do on campus is eat in Janzow, not for the food, but for the friends that gather around him. 

Warneke decided to apply for the RC position because he saw it as a great opportunity, especially for ministry

“Just being an RA this year, I saw how much I was able to grow as a person, and I wanted to help others grow as much as they could,” Warneke said. “I also saw a lot of similarities between being an RC and a pastor as far as helping people with their problems and celebrating their joys. St. Paul says the pastor is the overseer of the church, and that is the same for the RC.” 

As an RC, Warneke wants to spread the message of how Jesus summed up the ten commandments – loving God with your whole heart and loving your neighbor as yourself

“It is our literal neighbor as well, and the people living around us,” Warneke said. 

Sophomore, Makayla Kosberg
Photo by Morgan German

Makayla Kosberg, a Secondary Education Social Sciences Major from Spring Hill, Kan. is currently the RA in David NE Pit. She is involved in orchestra, the Lighthouse group on campus, and Habitat for Humanity, and enjoys hanging out with people, looking at maps, and chatting with everyone she encounters

Kosberg hopes to spread a message throughout campus that emulates the joy we have because of Jesus. 

“I want to spread cheer and help people choose joy, no matter what the circumstances. I want everyone to feel and know that they are loved,” Kosberg said

The job requirements between RAs and RCs are different, however, Kosberg is excited about the change and the ministry that she will continue to do.

“My role with the entire campus will be different, but no matter what, I am serving the Lord by loving the people He put around me,” Kosberg said. “My first and foremost focus is ministry, and no matter what position I am in, I am there to bring the Glory back to God.” 

Sophomore, Tia Pawlowski
photo by Morgan German

Tia Pawlowski, an Elementary/ Middle-Level English major from Gann Valley, S.D. is the current RA of David SE Pit. She is on the Trap and Skeet team and enjoys shooting guns, reading, fishing, attending PRAISE, and sitting next to the fire and drinking coffee. 

Pawlowski hopes to be present throughout campus.

“For people who are struggling with anything, there are definitely people out their who care about you and want to help you,” Pawlowski said. 

Pawlowski also seeks to be a school principal someday, and through the RC position, she will be learning more about the administrative role, listening, connecting with different people, and seeing different perspectives.

 The new RCs have already started their roles by helping with the RA selection process for the 2018-19 academic year and will continue the beginning processes of their role in August with RC and RA training.



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