Student Senate Makes Progress on Outdoor Chapel
Nora Betts
Sower Staff
The Student Senate is making progress building an outdoor chapel. President Julia Witt said on Tuesday that she is looking for “anyone and everyone” to help install benches at 10 a.m. this Saturday.
Witt is working with the Senate’s PR Committee to get the outdoor chapel one step closer to finalization. So far they’ve built the foundation and platform.
The Senate also discussed suggestions it received during the Activity Fair. Ideas included a cheaper meal plan, more Bulldog Bucks, Doghouse swipe boxes, and better food in Janzow.
Although these ideas don’t fall under the jurisdiction of the Senate, student opinions can be brought to the CUNE administration by Senate officers. The ideas were sent to the Special Concerns Committee for further discussion.
A suggestion box is available at Student Senate meetings for students to raise issues anonymously or to direct their concerns to the officers.