A Warm Welcome from President Friedrich
Welcome to the 122nd academic year of Concordia University!
Our academic year theme, “Abundance,” is taken from the words of Jesus in John 10:10 ESV, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” As the year begins, I hope you will join me in thanking God for all of the ways He is abundantly blessing Concordia!
You will likely notice: a fuller campus as more than 410 new students begin their “Concordia Experience”; new faculty and staff members in many academic and administrative areas; renovations to the PE Building; a new circulation desk in Link Library; new exhaust hoods in the chemistry labs; a renovated and air-conditioned Ruth A Hall; completion of the first phase of the comprehensive renovation of Weller Chapel/Auditorium; and The Sower in both print and digital versions.
These blessings are just a few of the tangible ways God is blessing Concordia and providing the resources necessary for us to equip students “to learn, serve and lead in church and world.” The blessings are a result of the hard work, prayer and generous financial support of many, many people who are deeply committed to Concordia and you, our students. These blessings are signs that we each have an important responsibility to be wise and faithful stewards of God’s abundant material blessings to us!
However, God’s abundance is not limited to tangible blessings easily seen and enjoyed. In fact, physical blessings pale in comparison to the spiritual blessings Jesus eagerly desires to provide for us.
As a new year begins, I hope you will join me in receiving and delighting in opportunities for daily chapel worship, evening vespers and Praise; Sunday worship services in local congregations; dorm devotions; small group Bible study; Christian fellowship and service; and quiet moments for prayer and reflection.
It is especially in these experiences that God is at work through His Word and Holy Spirit to reveal His abundant love for us in Jesus Christ and to assure us that our sins are forgiven, heaven is ours and we have the privilege of serving and praising Him right now!
During the year, there will be times when we may wonder about “abundance,” especially when relationships fail, grades don’t reflect the investment of our time and effort, parking spaces seem scarce, lunch lines are long, assignments require more time than anticipated and tuition bills are larger than savings accounts.
In all these times and more, it is my hope that you will find comfort, hope, encouragement and abundance in this Christian community and especially in God’s love for you in Jesus Christ who came so that you might have life and have it abundantly—now and forever!
–President and Laurie Friedrich