Burmeister wins Student Senate election, will be 2024-25 president
Joshua Burmeister (left) and Aarin Dean (right) celebrating that Burmeister was voted to be the next Student Senate president.
Photo credit: Kayla Korb
By Nora Betts
Junior Joshua Burmeister won the contested election for the position of 2024-2025 Student Senate President, current Senate officers announced at Tuesday’s meeting.
Burmeister ran against junior Aarin Dean in the Senate’s first contested election in several years.
Vice President Victoria Perry said 120 students voted in the election, which was open via Google Forms from April 9 to April 15.
Next year’s officers are Burmeister as President, sophomore Quinlan Hendrickson as Vice President, sophomore and current Secretary Emma VanTol as Treasurer, and sophomore Kayla Korb as Secretary.
The 2024-2025 officers will be sworn in at the last Senate meeting on April 22.
Perry also said the Senate’s Community Service Committee hosted a park cleanup event on April 13. She said 18 volunteers spent an hour and a half picking up trash around Plum Creek Park as part of the month-long Nebraska District LCMS Servant Event called SHINE!
She said she hopes the Senate can continue doing park cleanups and suggested that future Senate officers adopt a park.
“It went very well, so this is something that we hope that Student Senate can keep doing,” said Perry. “There is kind of an idea that eventually we can adopt a park if future officers would like.”