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Home News Davis urges people not to be indifferent to the fight against abortion

Photo description: President of Lincoln Right to Life Mike Davis gives a pro-life presentation to around 35 students and community members on campus.

Photo credit: Nora Betts

Nora Betts

Sower Staff


Mike Davis, president of Lincoln Right to Life, urged Concordia students and Seward community members to be active in the fight against abortion, saying the biggest enemy of the pro-life movement is indifference.

Davis, a pro-life activist for the last eight years, said he spends an hour each day praying outside of Planned Parenthood in Lincoln, where he experiences an array of responses from passersby. He said some people give him a thumbs-up or a middle finger, but “when people drive by, the vast majority are indifferent.”

He said neutrality on the issue of abortion does not exist, so indifference is a rejection of the pro-life movement.

“Either our actions will show that we’re on God’s team, or our inactions will show that we’re on Satan’s team,” said Davis. “When people are indifferent to abortion, Satan wins.”

Davis said he does not take personal offense to the people who reject the pro-life message. He said he prays for them since God loves everyone.

“I don’t take the people that flip me off personally,” said Davis. “I pray for their souls.”

Davis said Lincoln Right to Life has a Women’s Care Center in Lincoln directly across the street from Planned Parenthood. The center provides free pregnancy tests, ultrasound services, counseling, birth classes, and coupons for baby items. The center does not provide abortions.

Davis said the Women’s Care Center helps pregnant mothers through the course of pregnancy and helps both mother and child up to age five. According to Davis, “They’ve saved over 900 babies.”

Davis said the center has reduced the number of abortions performed by Lincoln’s Planned Parenthood by 41 percent. He also said Planned Parenthood has had 47 percent fewer days for performing abortions since the Women’s Care Center was established.

Davis spoke about the opportunities for Concordia students and community members to get involved in pro-life work.

He encouraged people, especially Concordia students, to get involved with 40 Days for Life, an international campaign event where pro-life people pray outside Planned Parenthood. The timeframe of 40 days is drawn from the biblical theme of transformation such as the Flood in Genesis 6 and Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness in Matthew 4. The program runs through Nov. 5 this year.

Davis said that when people pray outside of Planned Parenthood, the average rate of women who do not follow through with their appointments increases from 20 percent to 70 percent.

Davis also distributed pins from 40 Days for Life with the phrase “Pray to end abortion.” He said that simply wearing a pin is a means to participate in the pro-life movement and start the conversation on abortion.

“You can wear this button at all times and be a voice for the voiceless,” Davis said.

Davis’ presentation drew a crowd of around 35 people to Concordia’s Borland Center for Music and Theatre, including several members of Bulldogs for Life, the pro-life club on campus.

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