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Home News Senate to Hold Open Forum on Swipe Box Program

Nora Betts
Sower Staff


The Student Senate will host an open forum early next semester to hear student opinions about a possible reinstatement of the Dog House swipe box program.

The swipe box program, which was discontinued due to budgeting concerns two years ago, offered a six-item menu available for purchase at the Dog House Grill with a meal swipe rather than using Bulldog Bucks. Senate officers and members have expressed interest in reinstating the program in conjunction with the O2GO reusable lunchboxes.

The open forum will involve Chartwells’ Director of Dining Services Bob Agee, as well as the new director who will be training to replace him after he retires. It will allow Agee to directly hear student opinions as he continues the conversation about the swipe box program with Senate officers.

Club constitutions must be submitted to the Senate by Friday. Each club must submit a constitution to be officially recognized on campus and to receive funding from the Senate.

Constitutions should include what the club is and does, descriptions of officer positions, and information about rules, bylaws, and procedures, said Treasurer Alec Johnston.

Clubs should email their constitutions in any format to

The Senate has received an additional 60 responses to a campus safety survey emailed to the entire student body, bringing the total number of responses to approximately 200.

The survey is in response to concerns anonymously brought to the Senate regarding dimly lit areas where students feel unsafe. Questions on the survey include “Do you know how to contact security?” and “What outdoor areas on campus need better lighting?”

Common responses regarding dimly lit outdoor areas include Jesse Hall, Weller Hall, David dorm, the football field, and the gravel parking lot.

Johnston said that Senate officers will focus on “going through the responses to see what we can glean and then report back to the Senate” before contacting campus security.

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