Senate Delays Swipe Box Forum
Nora Betts
Sower Staff
The Student Senate decided to indefinitely delay a discussion with Chartwells about the possible reinstatement of the Dog House swipe box program due to the death of Director of Dining Services Bob Agee.
The swipe box program, which was discontinued two years ago due to budgeting concerns, offered a six-item menu for purchase at the Dog House Grill with a meal swipe rather than Bulldog Bucks. Senate officers and members have expressed interest in reinstating the program in conjunction with the O2GO reusable lunchboxes.
Senate officers in December suggested holding an open forum so students could talk with Agee, who was getting ready to retire, and an incoming director, who had not yet been hired. However, Agee’s passing in early January means his future replacement will not have an understanding of the program and its history, and will not have talked about it with the Senate.
Senate Treasurer Maddy Peters said that the Senate did not want to overwhelm the new director-in-training. “This might be something that we hold on to until next year,” Peters said.
Senate Semester Budget
Treasurer Alec Johnston has created the Senate’s semester budget report for the Fall 2022 semester. Specific club information regarding expenses is available upon request, but a summary of all club budgets and expenses to date will be available next week, Johnston said.
Running for Office
President Julia Witt, as a part of the Senate’s New Semester Resolutions, encouraged members to consider running for officer positions later this semester.
“For the past two years, we have not had a Student Senate election because only four people ran for office,” Witt said. “We want that to change.”
Candidates running for vice president, treasurer and secretary positions must be involved in the Senate for one semester. Candidates running for president must be involved for two semesters. Senate officers are paid for at least five hours of work per week.
Witt said officer duties include weekly meetings as well as behind-the-scenes work representing the student body to the university administration as well as outside boards and committees.
Outdoor Chapel
The Senate aims to complete the outdoor chapel project by the end of April so the final Praise worship service can be held in the new facility.