Student Senate President says to remember God’s love during good times and bad
Josh Burmeister.
Photo credit: Josh Burmeister
Hello students of Concordia Nebraska! You are one of the lucky few to read the wonderful publication that is The Sower.
I am Josh Burmeister, president of the Student Senate. I’m entering my senior year at Concordia, majoring in theology for the Pre-Seminary Program.
Every year presents so many new and exciting opportunities for students to enjoy. I know I’m excited to live in the newly renovated Esther pit! As the years go by, I always love meeting the new freshmen and transfer students that arrive with each semester. The population of this campus seems to get larger every time; God has chosen to bring you all here this semester for the goodness of His kingdom.
We are called to go and make disciples of all nations. As we advance past this school, hopefully into a lifelong career, we are faced with many people who perhaps haven’t known love before. Whether you study theology, English, biology, history, psychology, classical liberal arts, or any other major offered here, I pray that the community of Concordia builds you up in God’s love in order that you can share that love with others. We love because God first loved us.
At the same time, your studies may be difficult and isolating. Some classes will surprise you with how easily everything comes to you. Other classes will make you want to play Job and curse the day of your birth. Remember to always keep your eyes on God’s eternal plan of salvation for you. Whether you get A’s in all your classes or skate by as a less than average student, you are a beloved child of God. Jesus died and rose to save you from your sin. In your baptism, you are brought into His glorious resurrection. You, too, shall rise to perfect eternal life in His name. Hold fast to that faith as you go through your college career and beyond.
I’m overjoyed with the opportunity to get to know you all. I’m glad you’re here. Welcome to Concordia.