Just Pitschin’ Ideas: Why an Advice Column?
by Madison Pitsch
Dear Madison,
The entire concept of advice columns is very strange. Why should I ask a stranger anything about my life to have it published on the Internet?
That, my friend, is a valid point.
And it is very strange that we seek advice from total strangers…maybe that is an American thing? I will Google that and let you know.
Here’s the deal: I cannot solve all of your problems. In fact, I am probably one of the least equipped people to solve anyone’s problems. I don’t know a single thing about your life, and you are asking me to make a snap judgement on it and tell you what is best. To be honest with you, maybe the only person who can solve your problems is you. So then why ask me?
I think people ask advice columnists about their problems because they are too afraid to acknowledge the correct answer. All we are doing is telling you what you don’t want to hear, the truth that you already know. And while the concept of telling strangers about your very personal life might seem, well, strange, I can understand why people do it. People ask strangers things because they don’t want to feel judged. They don’t want to feel ridiculous. They just want reassurance that they are doing the right thing, and perhaps reassurance that they aren’t totally crazy.
You may think I am totally and completely unqualified in doling out advice. You might be right. But I have lived a little bit in my short 19 years, and the older I get the more I start to sound like my mom, who is seriously super smart when it comes to life problems and matters of the heart. Plus, I won’t judge you for any of your questions because the questions are anonymous! Wooohoooo! ( I wouldn’t judge you anyways, because this is life and life happens to everyone, but perhaps the anonymity makes you feel even more secure in this non-judgement zone.)
The best advice I can give you then? Send in your questions. Ask me anything. Don’t be afraid of what other people may think. As cliché as it may sound, somebody else was probably wondering about something you asked. And who knows, maybe I will accidentally tell you exactly what you needed to hear.
Email Sower@cune.org with your questions for Madison or message your question to us on social media.