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Photo by Sonja Brandt By Victoria Cameron   10:31 Coffee is one of the campus' most iconic spots....
0 2085

Photo by Sonja Brandt By Editorial Staff   Surprisingly, Concordia is actually one of the less expensive schools...
0 1532

By Editorial Staff   Jesus was a carpenter’s son, so there is no reason why Jesus...
0 1675

Paige Uzzell Hello everyone, and welcome to Concordia! My name is Paige Uzzell and I...
0 1279

Victoria Cameron You’re probably sick of being told this, so I’ll make this the last...
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In today’s digital culture, print media is sometimes seen as a dying...
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By April Bayer   It’s that time of year again.The sun is...
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By Victoria Cameron This year, 323 students voted in the Student Senate elections. While that...
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  In a day when the freedom of speech is flaunted as an...
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by April Bayer “I would build a great wall, and nobody...
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A photo taken from a 1914 publication of Alma Mater, an informational newsletter for students,...
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By Madison Pitsch   What are some of the best ways to prioritize your...